Lifestyle tips

Diabetes questions

Hi all,

I haven't met most of you, however some of you may know me if you are over on Grommr also. My name is Marc and I am 480 and 5'6. My GW is "as big as possible, as long as I still can make money". LOL. I'm gay, however I love encouragement from anyone and love to give the same.

I am over on this site because I am trying to figure out how to be able to gain well with insulin resistance or diabetes. I realize my questions are not what medical science would recommend, however losing weight for me is a really horrible thing (its a long story, really don't want to get into it on here).

So I am trying to figure out some ways to make that work. I have a great group of encourager/feeder friends that want to help me get way fatter, however are unsure of the foods I should eat.

I've been getting slightly discouraged due to this new research I am finding. This research states carbs cause/lead to insulin resistance AND weight gain. This essentially means that if I cut carbs, it will decrease your insulin resistance and cause weight loss, no matter if in the rest of your day I am eating large amounts of calories from proteins and other sources to try to gain. This research is essentially saying weight gain is only driven by carbs, insulin resistance is driven by carbs, and insulin resistance terminates any weight gain.

I am looking forward to any thoughts or suggestions you may have, especially any feedees or feeders who have done any research or any experiences with diabetes.

Thanks !
3 years

Diabetes questions

Thank you so much for this information!!!!! Honestly this is what I have been looking for for so long.

In regards to your question, losing weight puts me into a deep depressive spiral and completely shuts off any sexual desire and really messes with how my body generally feels (it feels...gross ) when I lose weight.

I essentially have the opposite reaction as to when a civilian feels when they gain weight.

I've talked with numerous therapists over the years about this and it really isn't meeting criteria at all for BDD or any other mental health disorder. While I do have mental health issues, they are the typical ones most people experience (anxiety and ADHD).

So it puts me in a very tough spot if I had to lose for physical well being. So I'm trying to maximize how I can stay or gain at this weight. Don't get me wrong...I absolutely love the size I am now...and if I had to cash out and remain this size I'd be totally happy. But gaining to my goal weight has always been a dream of mine before I die.
3 years

Diabetes questions

Thank you so much for this information!!!!! Honestly this is what I have been looking for for so long.

In regards to your question, losing weight puts me into a deep depressive spiral and completely shuts off any sexual desire and really messes with how my body generally feels (it feels...gross ) when I lose weight.

I essentially have the opposite reaction as to when a civilian feels when they gain weight.

love the size I am now...and if I had to cash out and remain this size I'd be totally happy. But gaining to my goal weight has always been a dream of mine before I die.

I feel the same. Losing weight is horrible. I wish nothing more than getting fatter. I love my body And I'm worried to lose weight,it's disgusting for me. I have the same problem (insulin resistance/diabates/metabolic syndrom) and I Don't want give up my weight gain journey.
3 years

Diabetes questions

I wish you all the best with this, OP. I'm likely diabetic already (fasting glucose was 130 last it was checked, A1C is being checked next month) and don't want to lose weight at all. That being said, I've heard that many diabetes meds actually aid in weight gain, so there's that.
2 years

Diabetes questions

I am coming to the conclusion that further weight gain with type 2 diabetes will in any case lead to the disease getting worse. This also applies to weight gain with heavy cream. Even if I eat almost no carbohydrates and calories exclusively from fats, high-calorie meals lead to massive increases in blood sugar.

If the liver is weakened by fat deposits or already inflamed (fatty liver), the organ can in turn produce glucose from fat and release this glucose into the bloodstream. Even if no carbohydrates are ingested through the diet.

Whatever high caloric meal I eat, no matter its carbs or fats, it leads to a rise in blood glucose levels.

I don't see any other way out right now than massive exercise and a very low calorie diet to burn visceral fat and hopefully get better blood sugar levels.
2 years

Diabetes questions

A single high-fat meal can affect your metabolism

The global spread of overweight, obesity and type 2 diabetes is often associated with the consumption of saturated fats. Scientists at the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) and at the Helmholtz Center in Munich have found that a single intake of a large amount of palm oil reduces the body's sensitivity to insulin and causes increased fat deposits and changes in the liver's energy metabolism. The study results from the 'Journal of Clinical Investigation' provide information about the earliest changes in liver metabolism, which in the long term can lead to fatty liver diseases in the case of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Together with Portuguese colleagues, the DZD researchers published a study on healthy, slim men who were randomly given a flavored palm oil drink on one occasion and a glass of clear water on the other. The palm oil drink contained a similar amount of saturated fat as two cheeseburgers with bacon and a large serving of french fries or two salami pizzas. The scientists showed that this single high-fat meal was enough to reduce the effect of insulin, i.e. to induce insulin resistance and increase the fat content of the liver. In addition, changes in the energy balance of the liver could be detected. The metabolic changes observed are similar to changes seen in people with type 2 diabetes or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). *

“It was surprising that a single dose of palm oil has such a quick and direct effect on the liver in healthy people, and that the amount of fat administered already triggers insulin resistance,” explains Prof. Dr. Michael Roden, Scientific Director and Board Member at the DDZ and the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD). “A special feature of our study is that we can determine the liver metabolism of people with a predominantly non-invasive technology, i. H. by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This makes it possible to track the sugar and fat storage as well as the energy metabolism of the mitochondria (power plants of the cell) in humans. "

Thanks to new research methods, the scientists have shown that the ingestion of palm oil affects the metabolic activity of muscles, liver and adipose tissue. The resulting insulin resistance leads to an increased formation of new sugar in the liver and a simultaneous decrease in sugar absorption in the skeletal muscles, a mechanism that causes the blood sugar level to rise in type 2 diabetes and its precursors. In addition, the insulin resistance of adipose tissue causes an increased release of fats into the bloodstream, which in turn further promote insulin resistance. The increased availability of fat leads to an increased workload on the mitochondria, which in the long term can overwhelm these cellular power plants and contribute to the development of liver disease.

The team, in which scientists led by Prof. Martin Hrabě de Angelis and Prof. Johannes Beckers from the Institute for Experimental Genetics at the Helmholtz Center Munich were involved, suspects that healthy people have these direct effects of high-fat food on the metabolism depending on the predisposition of the genes can easily cope with. However, the long-term consequences for regular eaters of such high-fat meals could be problematic.
2 years

Diabetes questions

Thank you so much for this information!!!!! Honestly this is what I have been looking for for so long.

In regards to your question, losing weight puts me into a deep depressive spiral and completely shuts off any sexual desire and really messes with how my body generally feels (it feels...gross ) when I lose weight.

I essentially have the opposite reaction as to when a civilian feels when they gain weight.

I've talked with numerous therapists over the years about this and it really isn't meeting criteria at all for BDD or any other mental health disorder. While I do have mental health issues, they are the typical ones most people experience (anxiety and ADHD).

So it puts me in a very tough spot if I had to lose for physical well being. So I'm trying to maximize how I can stay or gain at this weight. Don't get me wrong...I absolutely love the size I am now...and if I had to cash out and remain this size I'd be totally happy. But gaining to my goal weight has always been a dream of mine before I die.

Like you, and for my own many reasons, weight loss puts me in a depressive spiral as well. I recently got the "high blood sugar" alert and I'm trying to cope.
1 year

Diabetes questions

Thank you so much for this information!!!!! Honestly this is what I have been looking for for so long.

In regards to your question, losing weight puts me into a deep depressive spiral and completely shuts off any sexual desire and really messes with how my body generally feels (it feels...gross ) when I lose weight.

I essentially have the opposite reaction as to when a civilian feels when they gain weight.

I've talked with numerous therapists over the years about this and it really isn't meeting criteria at all for BDD or any other mental health disorder. While I do have mental health issues, they are the typical ones most people experience (anxiety and ADHD).

So it puts me in a very tough spot if I had to lose for physical well being. So I'm trying to maximize how I can stay or gain at this weight. Don't get me wrong...I absolutely love the size I am now...and if I had to cash out and remain this size I'd be totally happy. But gaining to my goal weight has always been a dream of mine before I die.

Like you, and for my own many reasons, weight loss puts me in a depressive spiral as well. I recently got the "high blood sugar" alert and I'm trying to cope.

I get you. I'm happy with my body (stacked and jacked baby), so if I had to lose a whole bunch of weight, I'd be devastated.

But look at it this way - you're just stabilizing yourself. Improving the foundation as it were. Once you get yourself to where you need to be, you can better achieve your goals

I know it sucks, but you are going to be okay.
1 year

Diabetes questions

Thank you so much for this information!!!!! Honestly this is what I have been looking for for so long.

In regards to your question, losing weight puts me into a deep depressive spiral and completely shuts off any sexual desire and really messes with how my body generally feels (it feels...gross ) when I lose weight.

I essentially have the opposite reaction as to when a civilian feels when they gain weight.

I've talked with numerous therapists over the years about this and it really isn't meeting criteria at all for BDD or any other mental health disorder. While I do have mental health issues, they are the typical ones most people experience (anxiety and ADHD).

So it puts me in a very tough spot if I had to lose for physical well being. So I'm trying to maximize how I can stay or gain at this weight. Don't get me wrong...I absolutely love the size I am now...and if I had to cash out and remain this size I'd be totally happy. But gaining to my goal weight has always been a dream of mine before I die.

Like you, and for my own many reasons, weight loss puts me in a depressive spiral as well. I recently got the "high blood sugar" alert and I'm trying to cope.

I get you. I'm happy with my body (stacked and jacked baby), so if I had to lose a whole bunch of weight, I'd be devastated.

But look at it this way - you're just stabilizing yourself. Improving the foundation as it were. Once you get yourself to where you need to be, you can better achieve your goals

I know it sucks, but you are going to be okay.

I assume you're answering Bigfatjeebus, but I appreciate your comment and understanding as well.
1 year

Diabetes questions

Thank you so much for this information!!!!! Honestly this is what I have been looking for for so long.

In regards to your question, losing weight puts me into a deep depressive spiral and completely shuts off any sexual desire and really messes with how my body generally feels (it feels...gross ) when I lose weight.

I essentially have the opposite reaction as to when a civilian feels when they gain weight.

I've talked with numerous therapists over the years about this and it really isn't meeting criteria at all for BDD or any other mental health disorder. While I do have mental health issues, they are the typical ones most people experience (anxiety and ADHD).

So it puts me in a very tough spot if I had to lose for physical well being. So I'm trying to maximize how I can stay or gain at this weight. Don't get me wrong...I absolutely love the size I am now...and if I had to cash out and remain this size I'd be totally happy. But gaining to my goal weight has always been a dream of mine before I die.

Like you, and for my own many reasons, weight loss puts me in a depressive spiral as well. I recently got the "high blood sugar" alert and I'm trying to cope.

I get you. I'm happy with my body (stacked and jacked baby), so if I had to lose a whole bunch of weight, I'd be devastated.

But look at it this way - you're just stabilizing yourself. Improving the foundation as it were. Once you get yourself to where you need to be, you can better achieve your goals

I know it sucks, but you are going to be okay.

I assume you're answering Bigfatjeebus, but I appreciate your comment and understanding as well.

I was talking to you, silly bean. Bigfatjeebus posted about a year ago, and I don't necropost.
1 year
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